So the first toy from the Astra Best Toys of 2009 List we wanted to show y'all is the Wee Wedgits 30pc Set.
If you've read through our catalog, you've already seen the Wedgits Deluxe Set. And it is a very cool set. But it has small pieces and isn't suitable for the teething crowd (aka, children under 3). The Wee Wedgits Set, however, is designed with our beloved, roly-poly, crawling droolers (aka, children one year and up) in mind. Unlike most stacking toys, the pieces are intriguing geometric shapes that can be stacked & combined in lots of different ways. Just the thing for these budding architects, engineers, and sculptors!
And hey! Do you see over on the sidebar where you can add yourself to our email newsletter list? Do it, if you haven't. We don't send out a ton of stuff, but it *is* the best way to keep up with the Big Announcements (like a brand spanking new website rolling out soon) for Once Upon A Toy and Lagoona Magoo!
We Offer Fabulous Toys, Games, Gadgets, Gizmos, and Gifts to the Greater St. Louis, MO area. - Once Upon a Time we were Once Upon a Toy and LagoonaMagoo Toys.
ASTRA Best Toys of 2009 List

The toys are picked by fun & funky toy store owners (sound like anyone you know?) from around the US. These are toys that inspire kids (and their grown-ups) to dream bigger and play harder and think wider and stretch their mighty minds!
Many of the toys listed are already featured in our print catalog, but there are a few that you may not have seen before. Over the next little while we'll be posting about these toys. And sharing why we're really glad they made the list!
Don't Forget! ArtEast is this Weekend!
If you're going to be in the Edwardsville/Alton area, don't forget to check out ArtEast. This art event will be happening all weekend (Oct. 17 & 18, 2009) and showcases the fine artists and craftspeople of Madison County, IL. Which includes our fearless leader Shawnta' Ray & her work in forged steel! More info on ArtEast is available on the ArtEast Website.
The Clock is Ticking on the Chicken
Because the Chicken is attached to a set-back area of our building, it does not change the overall sight-line or profile of the building. It is our feeling that because it doesn’t change these things, the zoning board and city council could very easily grant us a waiver without setting a precedent they may regret later. We also believe that because our chicken does not display the Lagoona Magoo logo, communicate anything about our products or services, or overtly promote our specific business, it doesn’t fall under a strict definition of signage, either.
So what do we want you to do? Let the city know what you think about the issue. Contact information for the City of Fairview Heights can be found here: Fairview Heights City Government
We are located in Ward 4, but to pull this off, we will need the support of a majority of the aldermen/women on the City Council. And the Mayor wouldn’t hurt, either! So if you’ve got a few moments, make a call and help us Save The Chicken!
Our Chicken Has Launched!
Balloons whistled and flew! We hooted and hollered and cheered!
The Giant Chicken has been unveiled!
The Giant Chicken has been unveiled!

And now we need your help. Our permit will only let us keep the chicken until October 20th. Stop by any of our stores (Once Upon a Toy in Edwardsville, Lagoona Magoo @ St.Louis Mills Mall, or the sparkly new Fairview Heights store) and sign the petition to show your support. Check back here for more information and what you can do to help!

Keep Our Poultry Soaring High!
Save the Chicken!
Save the Chicken!
Wait... what? How big is that chicken?
You're Invited to our Fairview Heights Location's Grand Opening Party!
We are sooo excited to announce our move to a new location! Lagoona Magoo Toys, your favorite happy place, is now located at 6308 N. Illinois (aka Highway 159) in Fairview Heights, IL. And to get things started with a bang, our Grand Opening is Saturday, October 10, from 10am to 5pm.
Join us for fun, games, door prizes, lots of hands-on activities, Specials (more about that in a moment) and a 12ft tall rubber chicken!
--Soda Geysers will erupt every half-hour between 11am & 3pm!
--Gooey Gunk & Lip Gloss Kid Concoctions!
--Dino Digs!
Did we mention the 12ft chicken will be unveiled at 11am?
During our Grand Opening Celebration in Fairview Heights, we'll be offering specials and discounts on Uberstix (one of *the* coolest building toys of all-time!) and Papo Knights & Castles!
And don't forget, our old location in O'Fallon is sporting some serious bargains-- all items still there are 75% off. We will close the doors on the O'Fallon store on Friday, October 9, so don't wait to discover what goodies need a new home!
So we'll see you Saturday, right? 'Cause it just wouldn't be a party without you!
Welcome to Our New Blog!
For those who were following our old blog, ToyStoreGossip, we're thrilled you've found your way here!
Follow us for the full scoop & news about Once Upon a Toy, Lagoona Magoo, and other playful things that catch our fancy!
Follow us for the full scoop & news about Once Upon a Toy, Lagoona Magoo, and other playful things that catch our fancy!
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