
What We Couldn't Resist From Toy Fair 2010 pt 2

Next up on the "Too Fun! Gotta Have That!" list is the Zyclone Ring Blaster.

Spring will be here soon, and with it will come that "gotta get outside" feeling.  Make sure you bring the Zyclone Ring Blaster along with you!
Designed to launch lightweight foam rings, the Zyclone is easily loaded and fired by a wide range of ages and abilities (they suggest 6yrs and up--  I suspect you may be able to go a bit younger if you're willing to help the child launch the first few times). 

The projectiles are round rings, so no poky/sharp edges to hurt your companions (although, just to be clear, aiming at someone's face is still a bad idea).  Made from a tough, rigid, & lightweight foam, the rings can take a serious amount of playtime.  Two come with the launcher, and they'll be available separately, too.  Which is a very good thing when you consider it is possible to launch one over 100 feet!

Using a twisting action, the rings spin off of the launcher and sail through the air amazingly far!  Don't just take my word for it, watch the mildly cheesy commercial from Zing toys:

Too cool, eh? 

While this isn't exactly new (it was a favorite of ours for Christmas), we've got  Djubi (pronounced joo-bee) back in stock!  If you haven't seen it yet, it's like a slingshot you play catch with.  The racket looking thingies are both launcher and catcher for the special ball, the djubi.  What makes the ball special?  It's on a slingy elastic band!  Aimed at kiddos 8 and up, this is a great new twist on playing catch.  And perfect to go in Easter Baskets.  That's a hint, Mr. Easter Bunny!

Stay tuned--  Part 3 of our Toy Fair Finds will be posted soon!

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