If you aren't on our email list (and why not??? use the box at the sidebar to sign up) you may not have seen our announcement regarding our St. Louis Mills LagoonaMagoo Toys location. Here's the letter from Shawnta', our fearless leader:

Dear friends--
We have some news. And it’s big news.
After much thought and consideration, we’ve decided to consolidate our stores. So what does that really mean? We will be shuttering our LagoonaMagoo Toys location at the St. Louis Mills at the end of February.
Let me stress that LagoonaMagoo Toys in Fairview Heights, IL and Once Upon a Toy in Edwardsville, IL aren’t going anywhere! They’re open and thriving and eager to see you stop by for a visit.
We are currently considering where to reopen the Missouri LagoonaMagoo Toys. We’ve looked at several locations and haven’t found the right spot yet. As soon as we do, we’ll let you know! Our goal is to be settled into a new location and open again in the fall.
Long story short: come buy our stuff! We don’t want to pack and move everything. We’re even getting rid of some of the fixtures!
Starting with the Presidents’ Day Sale (Feb. 17-20) at the St. Louis Mills, LagoonaMagoo Toys will be sporting some hefty discounts! Please remember, the sale pricing is good *only* at the St. Louis Mills LagoonaMagoo Toys, and all sales are final.
We want to thank everyone who has come to visit, play, and shop with us at the St. Louis Mills LagoonaMagoo Toys. We hope you’ll find your way across the river to see us at our Illinois stores until we have a Missouri location open again.
Play On!

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