
Store-wide Discounts are getting even better at LagoonaMagoo in Fairview Heights!

The Store Closing Sale at LagoonaMagoo Toys in Fairview Heights Continues!

And we absotively, posilutely, no doubt about it gotta get this place emptied.  So to help that happen, we're offering even better discounts store-wide.

There are lots of items marked as low as 50% off, too.  We don't want to pack, move, or store any of this.  So come buy it pleeeeeeeze!

And fixtures.  We've got gobs of fixtures for sale, too.  Preschools?  Daycare centers? You know you need some new ways to store those toys & games.  Come by and ... er ... Buy!

If you haven't seen the letter explaining why we need to close our Fairview Heights location, you can read it here:  LagoonaMagoo in Fairview Heights Closing Letter


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